The first website to benchmark savings potentials for software engineers across cities worldwide. is a website we’ve just built aimed at comparing how much you’d be able to save as a software engineer working in different cities in Europe as a full-time employee with an on-site job.
You can select the lifestyle/standard of living you plan to have:
And you can select the seniority/experience level you have as a software engineer:
As a result, you will get a ranked list of cities (limited to Europe, for now) with the amount of savings in USD that you should be able to have after one year of work.
For lifestyle, the 3 levels we’re using (frugal, comfortable, luxurious) are supposed to be thought as ranges (or, rather, middle-points of ranges): this means, you can technically spend (and save) less than you would under our Frugal level, or spend more than you would do under our Luxurious level.
Of course, this is subjective: what is frugal for someone, might be comfortable for someone else. The levels of spending that we chose represent what most people would agree on. Developers tend to be more frugal than “normal people”, so maybe if you are a frugal developer, you could think of Frugal as “Frugal/Comfortable” and of Comfortable as “Very Comfortable”.
For seniority levels and salaries at each level, we’re considering salaries of big tech companies.
How to use the website if you’re not in big tech
If you don’t work for a big tech company, you can consider the L3 (new grad) level as a “senior - non big tech” salary level.
If you are a junior and don’t work for big tech, you can consider L3 level, and select a lifestyle optino that is one level upper than your actual level. Example: you’re a junior dev in a non-faang company on a Comfortable lifestyle, you should select L3 level and Luxurious lifestyle.
Hope you enjoy!
If you have any feedback, please comment or reply to the email :D
Thanks for putting out this useful data!
I noticed Brussels wasn't included. Any reason for this?